How to save on groceries

The ultimate guide to winning at the grocery game!
May 11
 min read
Last updated:
Jun 2
A man, woman, and two children smiling as they unpack groceries in a well-lit kitchen.
A man, woman, and two children smiling as they unpack groceries in a well-lit kitchen.

The gist: Groceries can be expensive, but by shopping smarter and saving where you can, you’ll be able to whip up your favorite meals without breaking the bank.

Ready to take your grocery game to the next level? You're in the right place. We’re here to share some insider tips and tricks that will have you navigating those grocery store aisles like a pro. So, buckle up, grab your shopping list, and let's dive into the wonderful world of smart, budget-friendly shopping. 

The Power of the List

Let's kick things off with a bit of wisdom: "Fail to plan, plan to fail." This nugget of truth isn't just for life's big decisions—it's for your grocery shopping, too. Plan your meals, make a list, and stick to it like your favorite pair of jeans. This is your secret weapon against those pesky impulse buys that sneak into your cart.

Coupon Clipping

Next up, let's chat about the art of the deal. Coupons and sales aren't just for your grandma—they're for savvy shoppers like you. Keep an eye on those weekly ads and loyalty programs. It's like a treasure hunt, but the treasure is saving money!

Bulk Buying: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Buying in bulk can be a real money-saver...or a real money-waster. The trick is to only buy what you'll use before it goes bad. Remember, a deal isn't a deal if it ends up in the trash!

The Unsung Heroes of the Grocery Store

Don't be a brand snob! Store brands are often just as good as the big names, and your wallet will love the price tag. Give 'em a shot!

Never Shop Hungry

Here's a golden rule for you: never, and I mean NEVER, hit the grocery store on an empty stomach. You're more likely to make impulse buys when your stomach is growling. Grab a snack before you shop and watch your savings stack up.

Seasonal Produce: Your Wallet's Best Friend

Fruits and veggies are usually cheaper when they're in season—and they taste better, too! It's a win-win.

The Merit of Home Cooking

Eating out or buying pre-made meals might be convenient, but it's a quick way to drain your bank account. Plus, when you cook at home, you know exactly what's going into your food. Your wallet and your waistline will thank you!

Waste Not, Want Not

Try to use all the food you buy. Got leftovers? Freeze 'em for later or use them in another meal. Your future self (and your future grocery bill) will thank you.

Green Thumbs Save Green

If you've got the space, why not try growing your own fruits, veggies, and herbs? It's cheaper, tastier, and there's something incredibly satisfying about eating something you've grown yourself.

Price Comparison: Your New Hobby

Prices can vary a lot between different stores. If you've got a few grocery stores in your area, do a little price comparison. A bit of research can save you a lot of cash.

The Underdogs of the Produce Aisle

Don't turn up your nose at frozen or canned fruits and veggies. They're often just as nutritious as fresh ones, and your wallet will love the price.

Treat Yourself (But Not Too Much)

Finally, consider cutting back on luxury items like soda, candy, and chips. They're fine as a treat, but they can really inflate your grocery bill if you're not careful.

Remember, the goal isn't just to spend less, but to get the most bang for your buck. It's worth spending a bit more on nutritious food that will keep you healthy. Now go forth and conquer that grocery store!

Get to Know the Real Chi-town

Disclaimer: Super created this blog for general informational purposes only. The contents of this blog do not constitute professional financial advice. We strive to keep this information accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge; however, we cannot guarantee continuous accuracy. Contents of the blog are subject to change without notice.

How to save on groceries

The ultimate guide to winning at the grocery game!
Last update: 
May 11, 2023
 minutes to read

In this article:

The gist: Groceries can be expensive, but by shopping smarter and saving where you can, you’ll be able to whip up your favorite meals without breaking the bank.

Ready to take your grocery game to the next level? You're in the right place. We’re here to share some insider tips and tricks that will have you navigating those grocery store aisles like a pro. So, buckle up, grab your shopping list, and let's dive into the wonderful world of smart, budget-friendly shopping. 

The Power of the List

Let's kick things off with a bit of wisdom: "Fail to plan, plan to fail." This nugget of truth isn't just for life's big decisions—it's for your grocery shopping, too. Plan your meals, make a list, and stick to it like your favorite pair of jeans. This is your secret weapon against those pesky impulse buys that sneak into your cart.

Coupon Clipping

Next up, let's chat about the art of the deal. Coupons and sales aren't just for your grandma—they're for savvy shoppers like you. Keep an eye on those weekly ads and loyalty programs. It's like a treasure hunt, but the treasure is saving money!

Bulk Buying: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Buying in bulk can be a real money-saver...or a real money-waster. The trick is to only buy what you'll use before it goes bad. Remember, a deal isn't a deal if it ends up in the trash!

The Unsung Heroes of the Grocery Store

Don't be a brand snob! Store brands are often just as good as the big names, and your wallet will love the price tag. Give 'em a shot!

Never Shop Hungry

Here's a golden rule for you: never, and I mean NEVER, hit the grocery store on an empty stomach. You're more likely to make impulse buys when your stomach is growling. Grab a snack before you shop and watch your savings stack up.

Seasonal Produce: Your Wallet's Best Friend

Fruits and veggies are usually cheaper when they're in season—and they taste better, too! It's a win-win.

The Merit of Home Cooking

Eating out or buying pre-made meals might be convenient, but it's a quick way to drain your bank account. Plus, when you cook at home, you know exactly what's going into your food. Your wallet and your waistline will thank you!

Waste Not, Want Not

Try to use all the food you buy. Got leftovers? Freeze 'em for later or use them in another meal. Your future self (and your future grocery bill) will thank you.

Green Thumbs Save Green

If you've got the space, why not try growing your own fruits, veggies, and herbs? It's cheaper, tastier, and there's something incredibly satisfying about eating something you've grown yourself.

Price Comparison: Your New Hobby

Prices can vary a lot between different stores. If you've got a few grocery stores in your area, do a little price comparison. A bit of research can save you a lot of cash.

The Underdogs of the Produce Aisle

Don't turn up your nose at frozen or canned fruits and veggies. They're often just as nutritious as fresh ones, and your wallet will love the price.

Treat Yourself (But Not Too Much)

Finally, consider cutting back on luxury items like soda, candy, and chips. They're fine as a treat, but they can really inflate your grocery bill if you're not careful.

Remember, the goal isn't just to spend less, but to get the most bang for your buck. It's worth spending a bit more on nutritious food that will keep you healthy. Now go forth and conquer that grocery store!

Disclaimer: Super created this blog for general informational purposes only. The contents of this blog do not constitute professional financial advice. We strive to keep this information accurate and up to date to the best of our knowledge; however, we cannot guarantee continuous accuracy. Contents of the blog are subject to change without notice.

Last update: 
May 11, 2023
 minutes to read
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Super is dedicated to helping people get more out of life by providing them with ways to build credit, save money, travel more, and earn cashback rewards.

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